Fifteen-minute consultation: Management of the infant born to a mother with toxoplasmosis in pregnancyAnja Saso, Alasdair Bamford, Karen Grewal, Muna Noori, James Hatcher, Felice D'Arco, Edward Guy, Hermione Lyall
18 February 2020
Abdominal mystery in a neonateAbdulrahman Halabi, Ubaidullah Khan, Kais Maazoun, Naglaa M Kamal
13 July 2019
Fifteen-minute consultation: Kawasaki disease: how to distinguish from other febrile illnesses: tricks and tipsAlison Kelly, Katie Sales, Mary Fenton-Jones, Robert Tulloh
3 January 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: Initial management of suspected acute leukaemia by non-specialistsSam Behjati, Amy Ruffle, Anne Kelly, Emmy Dickens
5 July 2019
Early discharge and rehabilitation in paediatric acquired brain and neurological injury: a transferable modelRachel Keetley, Laura Kelly, William P Whitehouse, Sophie Thomas, Emily Bennett, Gabriel Chow, Alison Fletcher, Jane Williams, Andrea Venn
20 October 2018
‘So why didn’t you think this baby was ill?’ Decision-making in acute paediatricsDamian Roland, Edward Snelson
1 March 2018
Core Outcome SetsJames Webbe, Ian Sinha, Chris Gale
30 June 2017
Critically ill children did not benefit from tight glycaemic controlAngela Katrina Lucas-Herald, Kenneth J Robertson, Angela Katrina Lucas-Herald
23 May 2017
Fifteen-minute consultation: stabilisation of the high-risk newborn infant beside the motherNatalie Batey, Charles W Yoxall, Joe A Fawke, Lelia Duley, Jon Dorling
27 July 2017
What is the microbiome?Protima Amon, Ian Sanderson
28 February 2017